Friday, July 17, 2009


Ok, so this is the Harry Pottery post 'couse yesterday we went to the movies and saw it.

In general, the movie was awesome. Just because moments were captured amazingly well, and the actors have gotten better over years, and the whole movie was composed fantastically... and I have a lot more to say, but! The movie had some bad stuff too, so I've decided to bring it all up in +/- chart, so I won't forget it.

Good: Harry was Harrier than ever. I'm telling you! Daniel was a lot like Harry was in the first place - unlike fourth and fifth movies.

Bad: If I was a viewer that haven't read all the books fifteen times each, I would not know not who the hell Narcissa was, not who the hell Grayback was, nor who the hell Lavender was.

Good: Tonks actually APPEARED.

Bad: She called Lupin a sweetheart. First - Tonks was emo the whole sixth book because Remus was rejecting her by telling that he was too old and too dangerous, second - seriously, "sweetheart"?

Good: Lavender was awesome and awesome and awesome! Her clothes, her lines...

Bad: ...her intense fangirlism that never stopped, but never actually was in the book.

Good: The nose-kicking scene.

Bad: Tonks was replaced by Luna, which was actually a good thing, but it wasn't in the book. Also, It didn't make much sense, because the train was supposed to stop somewhere near Hogsmade and even if she wanted it, Luna could not end up there. Another thing - by remaking it into a Luna scene they made Snape go with Draco, instead of Harry, which was my personal con, because I loved that scene in the book.

Good: Romilda Vane!!! She was there and she was awesome! I LOVED everyone from the included supporting characters.

Bad: No Bill, no Fleur, no telling about the wedding thing, no Percy...urgh!

Good: New Pancy Parkinson was better than the "old" one.

Bad: Half-Blood-What? Prince-Who? It's as if Harry wasn't interested in it a all! And Hermione! I was disappointed. When Snape said "I am the Half-Blood-Prince!", I was like "So? Ya need a medal for that one?" Because the movie didn't show all the research that Harry made to find that out.

Good: Ginny.

Bad: Too much Ginny! Plus, Harry/Ginny kiss. It was BAD!

Good: Dumbledore staring at the perfume advertising.

When at the beginning Headmaster grabbed Harry in slow-mo. We all know about Dumbie's sexual preferences, but why'd they have too bring that one up?

Good: The scene where Hermione blasted canaries at Ron. It was amazing.

Bad: The Katy Bell necklace curse moment. It wasn't too bad, but it was incomplete and reminded me of the movie "300".

Good: The potions making scene. It awed and it was just like I pictured it.

Bad: Crowd's reaction to Snape being a new Dark Arts teacher. It was like nothing happened.

Good: Death Eaters' appearance.


Good: Draco Malfoy. He was goooooooooooood! He was better than good. More confident and responsible, but still a sissy.

Bad: Narcissa Malfoy. She wasn't that little, fragile, emotional, but evil Cissy. The only thing that was right were her clothes. Loved them.

Good: The Slug Club.

Bad: POOF! And the scene with Luna talking to Trelawney and Snape and Slughorn disappeared. Maybe it's just me, but a lot of people hoped for this scene to appear.

Good: The infernal scene was actually scary.

WHATTACRAP? Where did that fire thing come from?

Ginny yelling "SHUT IT!!!" at the Griffyndor Quiddich Team .

Bad: Harry is such a douche! He was standing there, emotionlessly, while Snape was killing Dumbledore. It clearly stated in the book, that the Headmaster used paralyzing spell on Harry, and hid him under the invisibility cloak. Otherwise it's just... wrong.

Good: Ron on drugs... I mean, under the love potion's effect.

Where did Neville go? I mean, he was there, all along, but where was he than???

Good: Fred and George's shop.

Bad: Harry, Ron and Hermione CLIMBING ONTO THE ROOF to see what Malfoy's doing.

Good: Ginny: (about Harry) "He's covered in blood again. Why is he always covered in blood?"
Ron: "Well it looks like it's his own this time. "

Bad: Dumbledore's rather strange questioning about Harry and Hermione being more than friends.

Good: Luna's lion hat, glasses and appearance in general.

Bad: Malfoy was surrounded by Slytherin students... but where are Crabbe and Goyle? Even if they were there, I didn't notice them.

Actors that played Tom Riddle were perfect. They all looked beautiful, strange, alike and... sick.

Bad: Where did other memories go? I could swear there was more than two!

Good: Oh my god, the Liquid Luck effect!

Bad: Is it just me, or nobody said anything about Fudge being replaced by Scrimgeour? Sorry, if I'm wrong, but I didn't see it.

Phew! That was unusually long. Ok! The thing I want to say is that the film had more good than bad. I liked it, even though the book was better. READ IT!!!!!!! Wow, that was scary. xD

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